Provost Mary Boyce Announces Release of 2022-2023 Common Data Sets

The data sets, accompanied by an overview of the Columbia undergraduate experience, are a resource for prospective students.

May 31, 2023

This week, we posted the 2022-23 Common Data Sets and supporting materials for our three undergraduate schools. The data sets, one for Columbia College and Columbia Engineering and one for Columbia General Studies, along with an accompanying narrative overview of the Columbia undergraduate experience, serve as a resource and guide for prospective students and families as they explore the options ahead of them to choose a college where they can begin or continue their studies. 

Our priority is to create the clearest and most comprehensive picture possible of Columbia’s undergraduate programs. As we did last year, we submitted data included on this year’s Common Data Sets for review by a well-established, independent advisory firm to ensure accuracy. We are committed to having our process meet the highest possible standards.