A Guide to the Office of Institutional Equity

The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) oversees the review and arbitration of all reports of discrimination and discriminatory harassment at Columbia. That includes alleged violations of Title VI and Title VII on the basis of race, color, or national origin; reports that involve alleged violations of Title IX and the University’s Gender Based Misconduct Policy; as well as reports that relate to violations of the Protection of Minors Policy. In this expanded capacity, OIE will be responsible for reviewing, investigating, and managing all incidents from inception through resolution, whether the respondent is a student, faculty, staff member, or affiliate. 

OIE also develops and implements policies and procedures that address all types of discrimination and harassment, including sex discrimination and sex-based harassment, prohibited romantic and/or sexual relationships, and describes and monitors reporting obligations, in compliance with federal, state, and local anti-discrimination laws. This office also educates students, faculty, staff, and affiliates about these policies through comprehensive training programs to ensure compliance. OIE is also responsible for the maintenance and management of the University’s equal opportunity portfolio, academic hiring process, federal and state EEO compliance reporting, and assisting with the overall recruiting mission of the University. Additionally, it hosts the Metro New York and Southern Connecticut Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC), providing resources and networking to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion across over 700 member institutions.


The Equal Opportunity Compliance and Recruitment Division collaborates with departments and programs to achieve the University-wide goal of attracting and retaining a diverse faculty and staff across all our schools. We assist departments with creating hiring plans that acknowledge and account for organizational and structural bias; provide tools to search committees, including department demographic data and candidate pool availability; offer support for applicant evaluation and interview metrics; and work with departments to help build and develop candidate pipelines. The Division is directly responsible for working with outside counsel in the development of Equal Opportunity plans for four campuses and responding to audits and inquiries related to these programs. The Division is also responsible for the Academic Search and Recruiting (ASR) system.

Questions? Email [email protected].

The Division of Anti-Discrimination & Discriminatory Harassment prevents and responds to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation at Columbia. Our Division develops and implements policies and procedures that address prohibited conduct in accordance with relevant anti-discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment laws. Our Division assists students, faculty, staff, or affiliates who seek to bring complaints against University employees and students; and conducts investigations, facilitates alternative resolutions, and administers the policies and procedures related to Anti-Discrimination & Discriminatory Harassment complaints.

Questions? Email [email protected].

The Case Management Division is central to Columbia University’s commitment to foster an environment for students, faculty and staff that is free from gender-based harassment, discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin, and all other forms of discriminatory and gender-based misconduct, including sexual assault. OIE’s Case Management is a 1:1 neutral service to coordinate supportive resources and approved accommodations, present resolution options, rights, processes and procedures under University policies, and help facilitate informal resolution options.

Questions? Email [email protected].

The Metro New York and Southern Connecticut Higher Education Recruitment Consortium Division (HERC), is a nonprofit consortium committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the higher education workforce by providing resources, networking, and outreach programs to attract, hire, and retain a diverse and qualified workforce. As the lead institution, Columbia serves as a hub for local institutions of higher education, both public and private, large and small, from research universities to community colleges, to improve the diversity of faculty and staff within our community.

Questions? Email [email protected].

Columbia welcomes minors to our campus every day. They are part of our academic programs and activities, research laboratories, athletic programs, summer camps, the (K-8) School at Columbia University, medical clinics and practices, and affiliated childcare centers. The Protection of Minors Division (POM) is responsible for ensuring that all those involved with Columbia’s programs with minors adhere to standards of conduct, including compliance with all University Policies, for all interactions between members of our community and minors, including reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment of minors, registration of all programs involving minors, and training for individuals in programs involving minors.

Questions? Email [email protected].

The Title IX Division serves as a centralized resource to support and provide assistance to all University students who have experienced or have been accused of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment; assists students who seek to bring complaints against University employees and students; and conducts investigations, facilitates alternative resolutions, and administers the disciplinary process related to Title IX complaints. In addition, the Title IX Division oversees compliance with Title IX’s prohibition on discrimination against pregnant students and employees.  Under the guidance of the Title IX Coordinator, this Division ensures that unique, individually based accommodations for pregnant students and pregnancy-related conditions are granted by coordinating with their professors and department administrators.

Questions? Email [email protected].

OIE is responsible for prevention and education efforts and develops and administers policy compliance and prevention training for students, faculty, staff, administrators, and other relevant audiences on discrimination, harassment, Title IX, minors and affirmative action policies and procedures, and applicable federal, state, and local laws. This work is focused on educating the Columbia community about policies and procedures and about expectations for conduct that complies with University policies and laws. The Training and Education Division conducts educational programs for students, faculty, and staff throughout the University and is responsible for ensuring that all students, faculty, and staff receive training in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws governing discrimination and harassment, including sex-based harassment and discrimination.

Questions? Email [email protected].


Key Contacts

Laura Kirschstein, Vice Provost for the Office of Institutional Equity
Marjory Fisher, Title IX Coordinator
Rachel Ferrari, Executive Director, Protection of Minors Program
Jazmin Taylor, Deputy Title IX Coordinator Senior Director of Investigations, Faculty and Staff
Colleen S. Walsh, Deputy Title IX Coordinator Senior Director of Title IX Investigations Student Concerns
Chloe Brighton, Director of Investigations, Student Discrimination and Harassment
Sheanine Allen, Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance and Recruitment
Adria DiCapua, Director of Training & Education
Adrienne Blount, Direct of Case Management
Mel Romero, Director of Operations

General Inquiries

Phone: 212-854-5511
Email: [email protected]
Web: institutionalequity.columbia.edu