Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

What we do

The Office of Faculty Affairs manages the University’s system of tenure reviews, implements policies and processes for academic personnel (officers of instruction, officers of research, officers of the libraries, and student officers), and determines the policies and procedures for visitors coming to the University for academic purposes.

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Academic Appointments

The Division of Academic Appointments of the Office of Faculty Affairs approves appointments and salaries of academic officers and administers the policies relating to them.

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Appointments to Tenure

Our goal is to assist faculty, departments, schools, committees and the University and make the tenure process as seamless and efficient as possible.

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The University provides full-time academic personnel with the support needed to navigate the retirement process.


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Leaves of Absence

The University offers a variety of leave options for Officers of Instruction and Officers of Research for academic enrichment and personal/family reasons.

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Our goal is to help schools, departments, institutes, and centers determine whether a visitor coming to the University for academic purposes should be given a visiting appointment as an officer of instruction or research, or designated as a visiting scholar/scientist, visiting student intern, or as a short-term visitor.

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Data Reporting and Analysis

The office is responsible for collection and analysis of data to assess policies relating to academic personnel and to evaluate and explore issues of importance to the University's senior administration.


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Visiting Student Interns (VSIs)

Students who are enrolled in a non-Columbia University degree program and would like to visit Columbia to conduct research training with a PI will now be treated as Visiting Student Interns.

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Joint and Interdisciplinary Appointments

Best practices to help facilitate cross-disciplinary and cross-school/department/institute/center appointments and hires at Columbia, and outline best practices for potential joint and interdisciplinary hires and appointments.


July 18, 2024

FLSA Minimum Salary Update

The U.S. Department of Labor has revised the Fair Labor Standards Act to raise the minimum salary threshold for overtime eligibility, affecting Columbia University and other employers nationwide, with increases to $844 per week starting July 1, 2024, and $1,128 per week starting January 1, 2025.

March 15, 2024

University Policy on Fully Remote Work

This policy concerns the conditions under which University employees may work fully remotely. The policy applies to all University employees including Faculty, Researchers, Librarians and Administrative Staff including Variable Hours Officers (VHOs), though the application is not the same for all categories.      

Faculty Affairs

305 Low Library
535 W. 116 St., MC 4326
New York, NY 10027

(212) 854-2255

Academic Appointments

408 Low Library
535 W. 116 St., MC 4336
New York, NY 10027

(212) 854-3814

Email Us