
The new Provost’s Advisory Council for the Enhancement of Faculty Diversity will play a central role in the continuing implementation of the Faculty and Pipeline Diversity Program announced in April.

The Provost announces the formation of a search committee to identify the next Dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Welcome back to the surge of energy and excitement that comes at the beginning of every academic year at Columbia.

This new initiative will develop a set of workshops and other programs to support and strengthen academic leadership at Columbia. 

The Provost forms a search committee to help in identifying the next dean of the School for International and Public Affairs.

The Provost announces the formation of the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid (CAFA).

Sept. 7, 2012-- The Provost announces a search to identify a new Dean of Engineering and Applied Science.

Dean Lee Goldman appoints a search committee for the new Dean of the College of Dental Medicine.

Provost John H. Coatsworth has announced the appointment of a Working Group on Faculty Retirement.