Provost Diversity Fellow: Emily Barragan

Portrait of Emily Barragan, a young woman with brown hair wearing black cap and gown with blue and gold regalia on a grey background

Emily Barragan, PhD candidate

Department and School
Chemical Engineering, Engineering & Applied Science

Emily Barragan investigates energy storage efficacy of commercialized clean energy technologies to mitigate today’s climate change crisis. Fundamental studies on ubiquitous storage devices such as lithium ion batteries must be carried-out to bolster their application in these life-saving processes. Accordingly, Emily characterizes battery behavior life cycles, just before failure, to gain insight on how to improve charge capacities. This insight informs the development of affordable, practical batteries that are cohesive with a renewable energy grid.

Protecting our planet is central in Emily’s research endeavors and beyond. At the University of California, Irvine, where she earned her Chemical Engineering B.S., she was a developer in a patented heat recycling scheme for portable, solar-driven water desalination. Furthermore, she uplifts other underrepresented minorities through her role as Vice-President of the Coalition on Race and Ethnicity in Engineering here at Columbia. Emily correlates her environmentalism with her vegan lifestyle and social justice advocacy.

Lauren Marbella, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

Favorite self-care ritual
Working out while blasting music and forgetting the world for the time being.

Favorite Study Spot
Graduate Student Center (it's so cozy)

To learn more about Emily Barragan, follow her on Twitter, connect with her on LinkedIn or email her directly.