Provost Diversity Fellow: Natasha Gordon

Headshot of Natasha Gordon

Natasha Gordon, PhD candidate

Department and School
Political Science, Arts & Sciences

Natasha Gordon is a PhD student in Political Science studying digital rights and political communication in authoritarian states, particularly in West Africa. Her primary methodological interest is text analysis and she seeks to develop new methods to support multilingual text data. Prior to joining Columbia, Natasha worked in university operations. She holds a B.A. from the Brandeis University department of African and Afro-American Studies and an M.A. from NYU.

Kimuli Kasara, Professor, Department of Political Science

Favorite hangout on or off campus
The Great Hill in Central Park

Favorite self-care ritual
Advocating against structures that center overworking so that self-care as a concept becomes unnecessary. Also mindful walks.

Favorite study spotĀ 
Avery Library

To learn more about Natasha Gordon, please email her directly.