Provost's Interdisciplinary Teaching RFP and Teaching & Learning Grant Programs

January 24, 2019

Dear fellow members of the Columbia community:

I am pleased to share an exciting set of funding opportunities for faculty who are looking to integrate new educational approaches and technologies into their classrooms, or to develop jointly-taught interdisciplinary courses. The grant programs support individual faculty as well as initiatives by schools and departments.


The new Provost’s Interdisciplinary Teaching Awards (ITA) support collaborations between faculty from different disciplines on the design and launch of interdisciplinary courses. This brand-new program, which emerged from the recommendations of the Provost’s Interdisciplinary Faculty Working Group, will award up to $20,000 to teams of two or more faculty from different departments or schools. The deadline for applications for this grant program is Monday, April 22, 2019. The RFP can be downloaded here.


  • Large-Scale Teaching and Learning Grants are designed to support efforts around teaching initiatives and exploration at the school, department, or program level. Awards provide up to $20,000 per academic year plus in-kind support from the Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).
  • The Hybrid Learning Course Redesign and Delivery grant program supports faculty who are developing innovative and technology-rich pedagogy and learning strategies in the classroom. Awardees receive grants of up to $20,000, along with access to CTL support for course development.
  • The Start Small! Mini-Grants provide support to faculty who are interested in experimenting with new pedagogical strategies. Awardees will receive in-kind support from the CTL and receive up to $2,000 for a one-semester period.
  • The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) grant program provides support for open online courses taught by Columbia faculty. Columbia courses offered through MOOC platforms continue to reach a large global learning community, promote public engagement, and make teaching and research activities at the University more visible. A limited number of grants of up to $25,000, plus hands-on support from the CTL, will be awarded.

The deadline for submission of applications to the Provost’s Teaching and Learning Grants is Monday, April 22, 2019. RFP details and application instructions are available here.


The CTL will hold a town hall on Monday, February 11 from 3:00-4:30pm in Butler 213 to offer interested faculty members more information about the RFPs, and will hold a series of RFP-focused office hours on April 5, 12, and 18 from 2:00-4:00pm. You can learn more about previous successful projects and interact with awardees at the annual Celebration of Teaching & Learning Symposium to be held on Tuesday, March 12 in Low Library. Learn more about and register for the Symposium here.

Please visit to get an overview of Columbia’s initiatives and resources in teaching and learning and online education.  

I look forward to continuing to support Columbia faculty as they develop new and exciting ways to enhance teaching and learning across the University and around the world.

John H. Coatsworth 
