
Past Event

NCFDD WEBINAR: Updating your Publishing Profile (WEEK 1)

September 8, 2021
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

How can we use a representation of all our research and writing projects - really, all of them - to help us track our growth as scholars and to inform deliberate choices about where our scholarship might go?

This multi-week course picks up on Erin Marie Furtak's "Productivity Pipeline" column and workshop and extends them into advanced planning and approaches for balancing multiple writing goals and scholarly trajectories. The workshop will involve opportunities to build a pipeline for those new to this practice, maintaining and updating a writing pipeline, and reflective practices to envision our growth as scholars across multiple phases of our careers.

Week 1: Reflecting on and updating your pipeline

Week 2: Pipe dreaming

Week 3: Forging your own path


NOTE: This webinar is offered by the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD). Columbia is an institutional member.

You must be a member of the NCFDD to register. Please CLICK HERE to activate your membership.

CLICK HERE to register for this session with your NCFDD membership.


Contact Information

Jennifer Leach