Faculty Writing Accountability Group

The writing accountability group (WAG) provides faculty with tools, support, and dedicated time to meet their writing goals. Faculty from across Columbia work on a variety of projects, including grant submissions/funding proposals, research articles, monographs, tenure materials, or creative writing pieces. Through structured synchronous virtual sessions, faculty identify the obstacles to their writing and develop the tools to overcome them. In the process, they build a supportive peer community.

    Head shot of Yamile Marti with quote text The idea of having a set time and environment to write has been very productive. Joining colleagues from different disciplines and learning their challenges and strengths through the writing process has been an incredible support. Yamile Martí
Associate Professor of Professional Practice School of Social Work


    • Biweekly virtual coworking sessions: Each session is 90 minutes in length and opens with faculty sharing a success and a challenge. After dedicated writing time, faculty commit to their writing goals for the following session. 

    FALL 2024 Schedule

    • Tuesday, September 24th
    • Tuesday, October 8th
    • Tuesday, October 22nd
    • Tuesday, November 5th
    • Tuesday, November 19th
    • Tuesday, December 3rd

    Our dedicated Slack channel in the Faculty Slack workspace allows members to post their weekly goals and stay in touch between sessions.