Faculty Career Development Sessions 2019-2020

These workshops and seminars focus on career success and promotion for faculty.

Spring 2020

Parenting on the Tenure track
(for all Tenure track faculty)

Being a parent comes with many joys and challenges. Parenting while navigating life on the tenure track (in NYC, no less) can be even more complicated. If you are a faculty parent (or a soon-to-be parent), join us for an informal lunch to share experiences with other faculty parents. Join colleagues from the Office of Work/Life for the first session of an new series, and share the aspects of parenting that are keeping you up at night (literally—or figuratively).
Thursday, February 20, 2020 12:00 - 1:00pm, 305 Low Library
Reserve your seat

Copyright: What Faculty Need to Know
(for all junior faculty)

We all know that publishing is a crucial means of sharing your scholarly work. Copyright can affect how you may reproduce and distribute your own work and who will have access to it once published, but many of us don't know much about how copyright laws work. Before you sign a contract with a publisher, you should understand your rights. Our speakers are Rina Pantalony, Director of Copyright Advisory Services, and Nicky Agate, Interim Director and Assistant Director of Scholarly Communication and Projects.
Monday, March 2, 2020 12:00 - 1:00pm, 212 Butler
Reserve your seat

When to Say Yes and How to Say No
(for all junior faculty)

As a junior faculty member on the path to promotion or tenure, it can feel like you are bombarded with requests. Which ones should you accept, and how can you decline gracefully? Executive coach Patricia Hayling Price will facilitate this interactive junior faculty development session on setting priorities and establishing boundaries in the academy.
Thursday, March 5, 2020, 12:00 - 1:30pm, 212 Butler
Reserve your seat

Empower/ed Conversations
(for all junior faculty)

We’ve all seen the “see something, say something” slogan, but may not always be sure of the best way to address an issue in our department or with a colleague. What are strategies for raising concerns, self-advocacy, and solving problems? Learn to identify tools to have empowered—and empowering—conversations. This session will be facilitated by Seth Marnin, JD, MA, Director of Training and Education for the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 12:30 - 1:30pm, 212 Butler
Reserve your seat

** As a reminder, Columbia faculty may use the Back-Up Care Advantage Program, which provides care for anyone who relies on you when your usual arrangements are disrupted.

Fall 2019

Road to Tenure: Navigating the Tenure Process
(for tenure track faculty)
Join us for an information discussion with a panel of recently tenured faculty. 
Wednesday, October 2, 2019, 1:00 - 2:30pm, 203 Butler

Networking and Negotiation
(for all faculty)
Led by renowned executive coach Patricia Hayling Price, session participants will examine the importance of relationships, networks and negotiation.
Thursday, October 17, 2019, 3:00 - 4:30pm, 212 Butler

Road to Tenure: New Tenure Track Faculty - What You Need to Know Now
(for tenure track faculty)
New to the tenure track? Latha Venkataraman, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, will lead a session to help demystify the tenure process.
Thursday, November 14, 2019, 12:00 - 1:00pm, 212 Butler

Op-Ed Writing: How to Write Persuasively
(for all faculty)
Join Susan Ellingwood, executive director of public affairs at Columbia and a former journalist with 25 years of experience, as she guides you through the ins and outs of writing to persuade.
Friday, December 13, 2019, 3:00 - 4:00pm, 212 Butler

** As a reminder, Columbia faculty may use the Back-Up Care Advantage Program, which provides care for anyone who relies on you when your usual arrangements are disrupted.