Fifth Year Review
The Education Committee of the University Senate conducts an evaluation of each new degree or certificate program approximately five years after its implementation. However, the University Senate can, as part of the resolution authorizing the program's creation, specify that the review occur earlier.
The purpose of the 5th-Year Review is to assure the Education Committee that the program objectives described in the original proposal are being achieved and to allow it to assess whether any changes in the plans since then have materially altered the nature of the program. To assist the Education Committee review, the program director completes a questionnaire which can be downloaded from the sidebar on the right.
The Vice Provost for Academic Programs typically sends the questionnaire to the program in the fall of the academic year of its evaluation. The completed questionnaire should be returned to the Vice Provost who gives it to a standing 5th-Year Review Subcommittee of the Education Committee which recommends to the full committee whether the program's approval should be re-affirmed.
The Education Committee may reaffirm the Senate’s original approval of the program, seek changes in its content and organization or recommend to the full Senate that the program be closed. Programs that receive a favorable 5th-Year Review are subject to further evaluations only if they are substantially changed.