Dear Colleagues,
We are sharing the new salary ranges for the 2024-25 academic year for full-time officers of research. These ranges, and the guidelines described below, should be used in determining the salaries for the upcoming year for officers of research throughout the University. Human Resources will send you separate instructions on the research support staff.
Postdoctoral research fellows, postdoctoral research scientists/scholars, and associate research scientists/scholars salary increases must receive at least a 3 percent increase as of July 1, 2024, either on their reappointment or their anniversary date, as per the contract with the Columbia Postdoctoral Workers-UAW Local 4100. Postdocs should be reappointed on their anniversary dates to keep track of their limited appointments.
The average salary increase for the other officers of research must be at least 3 percent as of July 1, 2024. Individual increases, of course, will depend upon the availability of funding and the performance of the officer.
Whenever possible, officers of research (excluding postdocs) should be reappointed for the academic year (July 1-June 30), and their appointments should not be for less than six months. Salaries should be reviewed at the time of reappointment. If an officer's salary is within the approved range and the increase meets the guidelines provided above, you only need to submit the appropriate personnel transaction. Starting salaries that exceed the review point will require the prior approval of my office for Morningside appointments and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences at CUIMC. Similarly, we will review salary increases above the review points in those units that exceed our guidelines. In those cases, you should provide a written explanation of the reasons for the salary or salary increase you are requesting. In the Arts and Sciences and Engineering, such requests will require the approval of the Executive Vice President or Dean before they are forwarded to my office.
We would appreciate your cooperation in implementing these policies. If you have any questions or concerns about them, on the Morningside campus you should contact Carmen DeLeon ([email protected]) and Zeid Sitnica ([email protected]), Associate Provosts for Academic Appointments; at CUIMC please contact Anne L. Taylor, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, at [email protected].
With best wishes,
Angela V. Olinto
Eugenia Lean
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs