
Past Event

Having Difficult Conversations with Beth Fisher-Yoshida

January 26, 2024
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Butler Library, 535 W. 114 St., New York, NY 10027 203

In this faculty professional development session, faculty will learn to enhance their skills in navigating the current crisis and gain a deeper understanding of broader campus climate dynamics as part of the Dialogue Across Difference initiative. Beth Fisher-Yoshida, PhD, the program director of the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution program in the School of Professional Studies, will lead the workshop. 

In this workshop, faculty will learn 

  • The factors that make some conversations difficult, including a felt need for self-censorship, a lack of psychological safety, and unequal power dynamics
  • How a deeper understanding of ourselves, and the stories we believe about ourselves, can influence the way we perceive others
  • Practical tools that can be used in a variety of settings, including the classroom, faculty meetings, and in our personal relationships

Please note:

  • This session is open to faculty and begins at 12:30pm. Lunch will be available beginning at noon.

  • CUID is required for entry into Butler Library.

About the presenter

Beth Fisher-Yoshida, PhD teaches classes in negotiation, conflict resolution, and conflict analysis. Her approach to learning is based on her core belief that when we improve communication by developing more self-awareness, we will have better relationships and improved negotiation practices. She is the program director of the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution program in the School of Professional Studies.

Contact Information

Faculty Advancement