Navigating Academia: Provost Diversity Fellows Share Key Insights

On September 26, the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement held a Provost Diversity Fellows Panel and Welcome Reception, bringing together scholars from diverse academic disciplines. The event, moderated by Celina Chatman Nelson, Associate Provost for Faculty Inclusive Excellence and Pathways, offered a platform for the new cohort of Provost Diversity Fellows to share their experiences and connect with peers across the University.
The panel featured four accomplished Provost Diversity Fellows representing a diverse range of schools and departments: Madison Bogard, a second-year Ph.D. student in Social Work, studies intimate partner violence (IPV), illicit drug use, and criminalization; Kay Kemp: a second-year Ph.D. student in English, focuses on postcolonial playwriting in the African and Caribbean diaspora; Howard Nicholson III, a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering, researches how physical and chemical stimuli influence cells to develop functional tissue substitutes; and Mindle Shavy Paneth: a third-year Ph.D. student in Chemistry, researches supercooled liquids using laser microscopy as part of the Kaufman group.
Adjusting to the Ph.D. Workload
The panel discussion began with a question asking the Provost Diversity Fellows about the biggest adjustments they’ve faced since starting their doctoral programs and how they navigated those challenges. The panelists shared candid reflections on the personal and professional hurdles they've encountered in graduate school.

Kay described the transition to doctoral study as a journey of balancing the demands of a new type of academic work with maintaining relationships outside of their program. "It’s about figuring out how to manage schoolwork, friends, and city life, all while entering adulthood," Kay shared. This juggling act is a common experience for many first-year students. Madison highlighted the challenge of managing the workload and learning to say no. “I can’t do it all, and I’ve had to learn my capacity without feeling guilty about it," she shared. Madison offered practical advice that resonated with many in the room: “Let yourself have a bad day so that you don’t have a bad week." This emphasis on self-care and setting boundaries was a recurring theme among the panelists.
The panelists shed light on the shared challenges of balancing academic rigor with personal well-being, offering valuable advice to incoming students about how to approach these transitions.
Managing Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is a prevalent challenge in academic settings, often leading to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity among students. During the Q&A portion, several Provost Diversity Fellows discussed personal strategies for managing these feelings.
Mindle Shavy shared that expressing insecurities to trusted mentors and individuals can alleviate the burden of imposter syndrome. She noted, "Voicing your insecurities to someone you trust can be liberating," emphasizing the role of open communication in fostering support. Similarly, Howard emphasized the significance of building a supportive community. He stated, "Connecting with people who understand the experience is incredibly rewarding," highlighting how engaging with peers in inclusive spaces has been beneficial. Lastly, Madison emphasized the empowering realization of her academic potential, stating, "I will be my faculty’s peer one day, and that gives me confidence. I was selected for a reason." This acknowledgment serves as a reminder of the importance of self-recognition and embracing one's accomplishments.
Post-Event Reception Fosters Connections
The event concluded with a post-panel reception, where new and current Provost Diversity Fellows had the opportunity to network and build connections over food and drink. The reception fostered a sense of community among the scholars as they shared their challenges and celebrated their achievements.
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