Junior Faculty Diversity Grant Awardees - Fall 2016
Dear fellow members of the Columbia community,
Now in its 12th year, the University’s Faculty Diversity Initiative continues to support our core values of inclusion and excellence. The Provost’s Grants Program for Junior Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University is a key component of Columbia’s ongoing commitment to maintaining a diverse and thriving faculty body. I am pleased to write today to announce the Fall 2016 awardees of the Junior Faculty Diversity Grants program. Grantees were selected through a competitive process, with all applications reviewed by a committee of faculty from both the Morningside and Medical Center campuses.
This most recent round of funding follows seven prior rounds of support from this program. Since the Junior Faculty Diversity Grant was launched in 2013 it has supported eighty-two projects across the university. You can also access information on the program and the previous rounds of funded projects.
Please join Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Dennis A. Mitchell and me in congratulating the recipients of these grants.
John H. Coatsworth
List of Awardees
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology, College of Physicians and Surgeons
Localization of Stored Platelets to Sites of Active Bleeding Following Transfusion
Assistant Professor of Medicine (in Anesthesiology), College of Physicians and Surgeons
In Vivo Imaging of Lung Apoptosis in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The Role of Essentialism in Social Perception
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
Tools for Manipulating the Mechanical Forces that Drive Morphogenesis
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, College of Physicians and Surgeons
Infant Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiome Dysbiosis and its Impact on CD8+T Cell Gene Transcription Regulation
Assistant Professor of Latin American and Iberian Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Mapping Asian Diasporic Performances of Race, Gender and Nation
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health
Molecular Changes Related to Infections and Relevant to Pubertal Timing
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Intimate Contract: Queer Attachment, Risk and the Word of Law
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
DISTANCED: Intersectionality & Gendered Experience of American Urban Space
Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, School of the Arts
Textiles, Migration and Trade in Painting