Faculty Recruitment Programs

The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement manages a series of competitive RFP processes to assist Schools in their recruitment efforts.

Faculty Recruitments from Underrepresented Groups 

This program is designed to support Schools’ diversity plans, and to assist the University in meeting placement goals established in its affirmative action programs. Our goal is for the composition of our tenured and tenure-track faculty to more closely reflect that of the national pool of qualified candidates. The recruitment program has two elements, Standard Search and Target-of-Opportunity. 

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Standard Search Recruitment

Schools may request funding support to assist in the recruitment of candidates identified through standard searches from groups whose availability exceeds their representation on the faculty. Requests for support will be accepted and considered on a rolling basis and Deans should expect a turnaround time of approximately 1 week.

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Target of Opportunity Recruitment

A hiring unit may seek a waiver from Standard Search procedures for recruitments that would bring the composition of the unit's historically underrepresented faculty into closer alignment with the composition of the national candidate pool. The Spring 2024 application deadline was Thursday, February 22, 2024.

Provost’s Initiative to Support Faculty Cluster Hiring 

These programs are designed to strategically hire and support several new faculty members to further the University’s goals with respect to diversity and our climate of inclusion. These funding mechanisms have been created to accelerate cross-disciplinary and cross-School activity that increases the representation of underrepresented faculty and their interdisciplinary scholarship. The programs are outlined below:

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Faculty Recruitments in the Area of Fourth Purpose Scholarship

This program supports the recruitment of outstanding faculty members who advance the Fourth Purpose of universities -- namely, work to bring forward rigorous knowledge and scholarship to societal impact and serve the public good. The deadline for proposals was Wednesday, February 14, 2024. 

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Research Support to Accelerate STEM Cluster Hiring

Schools/Departments can apply for supplemental research funds to facilitate cluster outcomes/yield in STEM areas across the university. This program supports Schools/Departments that grapple with yielding highly sought-after underrepresented candidates that they have identified for faculty positions. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis.

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Faculty Recruitments in the Area of LGBTQ+ Scholarship

This initiative is designed to support the University's diversity, equity, and inclusion goals with respect to diversity and our climate of inclusion by advancing the recruitment of outstanding tenured/tenure-track faculty members engaged in LGBTQ+ scholarship. The 2022-2023 deadline was Wednesday, February 15, 2023. 

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Faculty Recruitments in the Area of Race and Racism Scholarship

This program is designed to advance the recruitment of outstanding tenured/tenure-track faculty members engaged in race and racism scholarship. In particular, the Office of the Provost seeks to support the recruitment of exceptional scholars who can enhance cross-disciplinary and cross-School collaborations. The 2022-2023 deadline was Wednesday, February 15, 2023.